Crash Course one-to-one

IELTS Academic

It is in relation to the higher studies you plan, from abroad. We give you ultimate training in this regard, plus guidance into the country of your choice. Our teaching method is designed in such a way that it is 100% result oriented. The general score in this regard is 6.5 overall & 6.0 individually. It is the program through which you can achieve your ultimate educational goals.

Timings : Flexible

Crash courses are arranged in such a way that your weak part of the course is assessed and more focused training is given accordingly.

More orientation 

• Personalized Training with an expert Mentor

• Specialized doubt clearing sessions

• Quick remedies

• Exclusive training package from Skills International (well- researched)

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Enrolled: 25 students
Duration: 15 Days / 30 Hrs
Level: One On One

Skills International

Skills International is a helping hand in terms of your overall academic and professional improvement. This is where you find out a suitable higher study program, and chances to go and Study Abroad. Approach us for IELTS & Study Abroad Program and feel the difference. Difference always make difference. Skills International is synonymous with your overall development.

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With our 8 years of wholehearted service, we have changed thousands of lives in such a way we always feel credited and blessed.LoremIpsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. LoremIpsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown.

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